100% E-Rate Eligible

In 2014, the FCC included caching in the E-Rate Category 2 budget to get better value from bandwidth provision, and to improve internet performance in the classroom. Since it was added to the program, CACHEBOX has been overwhelmingly the most selected caching appliance in E-Rate's 'caching' category.

With very little investment, all E-Rate eligible schools can dramatically improve browsing speeds by storing and serving web content - web pages, video and documents - locally.

Regardless of school size, connection speed or online learning programs, CACHEBOX delivers best value for your E-Rate dollar with a range of different models to suit different needs. At the highest level of E-Rate discount, you could get a CACHEBOX for as little as $350.

Districts get best value from dedicated, schools-focused caching

Not all caching is 100% eligible for E-Rate funding, for example a caching feature on an otherwise ineligible network appliance can only be part funded. As the only dedicated caching appliance fit for schools, CACHEBOX is 100% eligible. It is also the only solution that can handle all of a school's traffic patterns including HTTPS, software updates, online testing, video and LMS password protected materials.

Whatever your need the complete range of CACHEBOX solutions including maintenance support contracts are fully funded.

Learn more about getting more bang for your E-Rate buck and and take our connectivity survey to help us build a richer picture of classroom connectivity for the FCC.

"CACHEBOX is doing a great job without me having to do much. It's great that we can get this technology funded on the E-Rate program, so we only pay a fraction of the cost as well!"

Robert Rowe, Chief Information Officer, Finkelstein Memorial Library, NY

Let's talk!

To learn how much of an E-Rate reduction your district could receive and find out which cache would be the right size for your schools, book a session with one of our sales team.