Bye Bye Buffering

Teacher tools like Lesson Management or Adaptive Learning Systems typically use embedded video to encourage independent learning, keep students engaged and clearly communicate complex ideas. When this content feels slow, these benefits can be lost.

It's worse during start of lesson spikes, when whole classes of students try to access the same content at the same time – often demanding 6-7x normal browsing capacity.

Catering for demand with bandwidth alone is wasteful – like building a 20-lane highway to cater for the 5pm rushhour, you may clear traffic at peak times but end up with very expensive unused concrete the rest of the day.

Instead, these spikes can be significantly reduced by caching whereby a cache stores a copy of web content when it is first requested from the internet, and then serves that copy to the rest of the class from within the school's network, relieving the congestion.

Caching accelerates slow content

Deployed in 45 US states and 160 countries worldwide, CACHEBOX stores popular web content on-site and serves it at lightning-fast speeds to the classroom.

No more buffering... no waiting...

CACHEBOX uniquely handles 'whole school' traffic patterns including HTTPS, software updates, video and LMS password protected materials, so you guarantee instant access whenever your teachers and students need it, regardless of any other demands on your bandwidth.

Learn more about how CACHEBOX will accelerate your content and take our connectivity survey to help us build a richer picture of classroom connectivity for the FCC.

CACHEBOX is a great product that does exactly what it's supposed to do. It helps a lot with making things faster on the network. Even on our 1Gbps pipeline, I can see the difference.

Roger Warne, Atlantic Community School District, Iowa

Let's talk!

Get in touch to start a conversation with a caching specialist about your connectivity needs.