Device updates causing congestion?

Software updates keep your students and their devices safe and running smoothly, helping you deliver online learning programs. But their size and frequency are a problem.

Operating System, anti-virus and application vendors regularly provide updates improve performance, usability and security for your fleet of student devices. These files are often enormous, swamping your network when simultaneously accessed by thousands of devices. In fact, 70% of today's school traffic is software updates and many files are tens or hundreds of GB in size. Countless repeat requests – often at the same time – are overwhelming school networks or slowing down access for what matters most: learning content.

ApplianSys routinely hears from districts with multi-GB internet connections being completely swamped by Chromebook updates. Technicians are caught by surprise when the controls that allow them to delay updates are overruled once devices are several versions out-of-date.

Why 1:1 when you can 1:1000s?

Operating System vendors recognize that caching is the most sensible way to handle update traffic in schools and each offer their own dedicated solution. CACHEBOX uniquely handles update content from multiple platforms and software avoiding the need for a messy collection of separate caches. An advanced caching appliance does far more than single vendor caches. It stays up to date with the latest vendor 'rules' from Google, Apple, Windows, etc. and routinely adds new supported vendors in response to changing software usage patterns.

With CACHEBOX, just one download will serve countless devices!

In May 2023, CACHEBOX schools users saved on average:

  • Microsoft 91%
  • Windows 91%
  • Google Chrome 84%
  • Apple 66%

By handling software updates with caching, you avoid using most of your capacity downloading software updates. Your 1:1 needs the 1:1000 approach that only caching can give you: 1 download:1000s of devices!

Learn more about how caching can offload updates

We really feel the difference on our Chromebooks updates when we use CACHEBOX. The first update takes a little while, but all requests after that are practically instant!

Eric Morfeld, Technology Coordinator, Osage County School District R 2, MO

Let's talk!

Get in touch to start a conversation with a caching specialist about your connectivity needs.